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PORK BONE SOUP 紅蘿蔔(粟米)豬骨湯?

I kind of yolo'd it, just like every other soup I've made in the slow cooker so far. This is more of a documentation of what I did rather than "how to make this soup".


3 x pork bones

3 x carrots

3 x onions

4 x chicken thighs

Author's note

What I really created was a mixture between chicken soup and 豬骨湯 (pork bone soup), except without 粟米 (corn) because I hate corn. It tastes really good though


  1. I pan-fried the pork bone (see note 1) in some olive oil

  2. At the same time, I tried to peel and cut the carrots.

  3. Lined the bottom of the slow cooker with carrots (??? I think you're *supposed* to put not meat at the bottom but I'm not sure why ???)

  4. Dumped the chicken in.

  5. Dumped 2 glasses of water in, which is probs around 3.5 cups of water

  6. Turned on the slower cooker

  7. All the while, my pork bone was burning but not too burnt. Anyhow, transferred that into the slow cooker too.

  8. Finished cutting up the onions.

  9. Left the slow cooker unattended for 6 hours. Mostly just forgot about it until it started to smell good.

  10. As you've noticed, I forgot to add seasoning and would probably insert that in between one of the steps above. For mine, I just added salt after the fact. It was still really good.

  11. I skipped oil removal for the soup that I had immediately. I had the pork bones with a bowl of rice with dinner.

  12. I put the rest of the soup in the fridge. I use this for noodle base for my dinners throughout the week.

  13. I remove the oil once it's become solid actually, because you just ... pick it up from the top.


  • note 1: turns out people suggest a) draining/rinsing it of blood first and b) parboiling it rather than pan-frying it to get RID of grease instead of ADDING grease, but yolo.


Would defo try again, but probs wash my meat ??? bc that's a thing ???


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