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Two Post-Apocalyptic Dreams

Dream 1: - it’s post apocalypse but like aliens have taken over and they’re nice - apparently I work at this intergalactic research centre and I’m on a ship to collect info - ship hits iceberg - im like OH NO,I cant swim - water pours in - someone looks at me funny and is like - you know the ship is self healing right - AND SURE ENOUGH THE SHIP SEALS RIGHT UP


Dream 2: - recent dream - it’s post-apocalypse but it’s like not as apocalyptic as one would think - there’s some greenery growing back - there’s just a heck fewer humans, you see maybe one across 2 cities - everyone congregates in these rebuilt houses/ stores to stay together and share resources - I stay at one of these housing stations - I find my ikea glass tupperware there and I know it’s specifically MY glassware because irl I’ve been trying to remove the sticker and it DOESNT COME OFF so it’s rn just soaking and the sticker remnants are of a particular shape - idk how my glassware got there but i’m like - this is communal but also this WAS MINE before the apocalypse so I’m taking it with me

cool technology part of this dream - anyways I have my ikea glassware packed away - I call my uber to to the next city with a “housing station” -which apparently, i still have a phone, there’s still electricity and there’ still uber post apocalypse wowowoww - what there ISNT is currency. Like there are no dollars anymore. No one cares about money anymore - everyone barters - so uber adapted to that and created a barter system on their platform - when you enter in the city you want to go to (e.g., because there’s only one housing station per city bc so few people), it shows multiple options of drivers who are making the drive the next day (it’s almost like rideshare) - so when I entered in the next city I got the following exchange offers - one whole roast turkey - 3 boxes of tangerines - 11 black dots (which I think is the "new"currency that they’re trying to do but I look at it swipe immediately, distrustful) - the last thing I remember is being like, wow 3 boxes of tangerines is EXPENSIVE how you gonna find that post apocalypse

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